The process industry frequently features complex technological sequences with high safety demands; faults and failures in the process automation could have fatal consequences for personnel, machines, plants and the environment.
While there is no such a thing, as zero risk, one goal is to design the process to keep the risk the minimum.
Safety instrumented system (SIS) is one mean of maintaining the safety in process plants. These systems monitor a plant for potentially unsafe conditions and bring the equipment or the process to a safe state if certain conditions are violated.
Typically they will have separate valves and transmitters to those used for normal control.
If these conditions occur, the ESD is activated to shutdown the equipment in question or an entire plant.
The configuration tool functioning according to the principle of a Cause & Effect matrix automatically creates complex safety programs once you have assigned the events (causes) occurring during a process to exactly defined reactions (effects).
TÜV-certified and comply with the safety requirements up to SIL 3 according to IEC 61508.